Time Limit Set for Registering Documents – Times of India 15th August 2014

Aug 15 2014 : The Times of India (Mumbai)
Time limit set for registering documents – Clara.Lewis@timesgroup.com
From solemnization of marriage, registration of documents to appeal against orders determining the market value of a plot, the state government has now set a time frame within which services are to be delivered to citizens.

 “The Citizens’ Charter covers 27 services,“ said Shikar Pardeshi, inspector-general of registration and controller of stamps.The time frame varies from 30 minutes to register a Citizens Can Complain If State Babus Don’t Meet Its Target power of attorney (provided all the documents are in place and the executants as well as identifiers are present) from the time of submission of documents. Citizens will be able to obtain a certified copy of index in seven days (in case it is post-2002 when computerized registration was introduced) and 15 days (if it is prior to 2002).However, citizens are sceptical whether the new system will work. Dinesh Thapar, a Mumbai resident, said after the Telgi scam, franking emerged as a safer and convenient alternative.
“However, most of the banks in Mumbai have stopped franking and stamp vendors have disappeared. To get one stamp paper from the Central Library one has to spend hours in the queue plus com muting time. The online payment is often down,“ said Thapar.Advocate Godfrey Pimenta said the electronic payment system introduced in December 2013 does not function smoothly and the government needs to re move the glitches. “Most banks accept only cash as a mode of payment for smaller amount and instruments such as pay order for a higher amount. There are no uniform rules for these authorized banks, post offices.
Franking is usually done during the limited working hours of the banks and post offices,“ he said.

A landowner requesting anonymity said earlier notaries could register a power of attorney now it can be done only by the sub-registrar.
“There are few sub-registrars in Mumbai. If the government wants to ensure quick service, then it must increase the number of officials,“ he said.


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