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Whist Drive


The second Whist Drive was organized by the Matharpacady Residents’ Welfare Association at St. Isabel’s High School on Wednesday, 19th August 2015.  This Whist Drive was held since all the participants were requesting that we organise this on a regular basis. As usual Mr Gerard Viegas organised this Whist Drive. Twenty Four participants and other guests were warmly greeted by the Mr. Gerard Viegas as they entered the decoratively lit hall.  Participants, four a table, were seated at numbered tables to enjoy this competitive card game.  The whist drive was in two sessions of six games each.  Gerard Viegas summarized the rules and regulations. Two umpires – Gerard Viegas and Gilroy Henriques – monitored the games   The Whist Drive started at 5.30 P.M. and ended at 7.30 P.M.   Light refreshments of hot chai and biscuits were served at the break in sessions.  Highest scorers were awarded generous cash prizes.  The delighted recipients – Dennis Baptista,  with 94 points was the first prize winner. The prize for the highest score in the first half for ladies was shared by Mrs Isabelle Fernandez and Ms Pearl Dodge with 44 points each and for gents by Richard Braganza with 47 points. The prize for the highest score in the second  half for ladies went to Mrs Dulcina Vaz with 48 points and for gents by Pradeep Naik with 44 points. The winners all received their gifts to much applause from the audience.

The President, Percy D’Souza, thanked participants and guests for making this a happy nostalgic function. As announced earlier, the Association has planned the  forthcoming “FOOD FESTIVAL 2015” at St. Isabel’s on Sunday, 22nd November 2015 evening. Dennis extended an open invitation to the Associations Members and like minded folk to book table space in advance for their stall displaying  home cooked food and delicacies, which they could  sell at their own prices.  He was confident that the success of the previous two Food Festivals would attract a larger number of participants and food lovers to enjoy tasty snacks and food. The Welfare Association hopes to bring families closer together at these functions, fostering a spirit of friendship and co-operation so as to strengthen and build the Catholic community.

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