The Managing Committee of the Holy Cross Oratory organized the traditional Novena Services at the Holy Cross Oratory every evening from 22nd April 2024 onwards culminating in the Feast Day Celebrations on Wednesday, 1st May 2024. Daily, Prayer Leaders led the well attended services on the recital of the Rosary [dedicating each decade for a particular intention], the litany of Our Lady, litany of the Holy Cross and litany of St. Roque [patron saint of the Village who had protected the residents from the scourge of the deadly plague that ravaged Bombay]. Traditional distribution of boiled gram was done during the novena.
Catholic resident families with their relatives, guests and well wishers gathered in large numbers in the heart of Matharpacady Heritage Village for the landmark religious and festive celebrations on Wednesday evening, 1st May 2024. Rev. Fr. D. Peter Jayakanthan SSS, Provincial, Blessed Sacrament, alongwith concelebrants, Rev. Fr. Merwyn D’Souza, Church of Our Lady of Rosary and Rev. Fr. Suresh SSS were escorted in a solemn procession from the Blessed Sacrament Chapel at ‘Eymard Cottage’ to the altar.

Father Peter, in a very inspiring and thought provoking homily expressed his happiness of being invited and preaching to the large gathering of residents and well wishers present.
The zestful choir, gladdened the hearts of the faithful as they led in glorious song and praise to the Lord.
Father Peter blessed the congregation with the Relic of the True Cross as Holy Mass ended. Ms. Chloe Cardoso expressed deep gratitude to Father Peter on behalf of the Managing Committee, as well as our thanks to Father Nigel Barrett, Parish Priest, Rosary Church and the other Fathers and Sisters of the Parish, Father John Lobo S.J., Parish Priest of St. Anne’s Church, Mazagon and the Management and Trustees of St. Isabel’s High School.

Families made their way to the Oratory to kiss and venerate the Relic of the True Cross, and thereafter collect their refreshments. Folks mingled around center stage exchanging feast day greetings and settled down for games of housie. Feedback from residents and friends said that the Holy Mass and inspiring homily were meaningful and the community celebrations with a family atmosphere were most enjoyable.
The Managing Committee wishes to thank all the donors and benefactors who so generously contributed towards defraying the expenses towards the Novena and Feast Day celebrations.

The Matharpacady Village Holy Cross Oratory is all set to commemorate a significant milestone next year – the 150th Anniversary of the Holy Cross Oratory. This momentous occasion marks a century and a half of devotion, faith, and community bonding. We will be preparing for a grand celebration to honour this legacy as we enter into this sesquicentennial year of our Holy Cross Oratory, which has been an integral part of our heritage. The Holy Cross Oratory symbolizes the village’s rich cultural and religious history, which has brought together generations of our villagers, strengthening community ties and reinforcing their shared values. This milestone anniversary is a testament to the village’s enduring spirit and its ability to come together in the face of adversity. We invite you all to be a part of this joyous celebration, and momentous milestone ! Do write in to share your past experiences, alongwith memories and photographs of the years gone by as we enter into our 150th year.