The Preparatory Novena Services at the Holy Cross Oratory in Matharpacady Heritage Precinct commenced on Saturday, 22nd April 2023. Daily Prayer Leaders were appointed to lead the novena services which were attended by our residents. The traditional Novena Services include the recitation of the Holy Rosary, and the Litany of Our Lady, the Litany of the Holy Cross and the Litany of St. Roque [patron saint to safeguard us from plague and pestilence]. Traditional distribution of boiled gram was done after the daily novena.
On Monday evening, 1st May 2023, around 300 residents and friends assembled around the decorated stage and altar near the Holy Cross Oratory, to devoutly participate in praise, song and worship at the Feast Mass. The Managing Committee organized the 148th Thanksgiving Novena Services and Feast Mass Celebrations. This tradition has been handed down by our forefathers down the decades for well over a century to protect the resident families from the scourge of plague and pestilence.
Reverend Father Merwyn D’Souza, Assistant, Church of Our Lady of Rosary, Mazagon, was the Chief Celebrant at the Cross Feast Mass. Reverend Father Nigel Barrett, Parish Priest, Church of our Lady of Rosary and Reverend Fr. Steven, of the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament Fathers, concelebrated the Feast Mass. As the Priests alongwith the Brothers of the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament Fathers solemnly came in procession from “Eymard Cottage” [Headquarters of the Blessed Sacrament Fathers at 22 Matharpacady] to the Altar, Ms. Selma welcomed them on behalf of the Managing Committee and all present. The choir, requested the faithful to join in singing the entrance hymn “We’re Together Again, just Praising the Lord” whole-heartedly as the Eucharistic Sacrifice began.

During the homily, Fr. Merwyn mentioned how at every Eucharistic celebration we encounter the Lord, we are touched and the Lord heals us. We as christians are therefore called to come, receive the grace of God and spread the living Christ amongst people we meet. The peace and healing that we receive at the Holy Eucharist is not for us to keep to ourselves but to share with those around us, be it our family members, neighbours or the society. Citing the beautiful example of Anja Ringgren Lovén the Danish aid worker who picked up and cared for the abandoned witch boy on the streets of Uyo, Nigeria, Father exhorted us to be the healing to those who need it here in our very own community. He said goodness isn’t goodness unless it is shared.
The choir sang harmoniously hymns of praise and worship as residents went to the Holy Cross Oratory to kiss and venerate the Relic of the Cross and collect their boiled gram, cake, and cold drink.

Desmond Baptista and Merwyn D’Mello kept the folks happy and excited as they waited for Dame Fortune to smile on them during couple of games of “Housie”, Bingo! Many lucky ones did strike it rich on our Feast Day.
The Managing Committee wishes to thank all
the donors and benefactors who so generously contributed towards defraying the
expenses of the Novena and Feast Day celebrations.