Guided walks through Mumbai – Mumbai Mirror, 16th September 2014

  • Post category:Events

Inspired by the European Heritage Days, Alliance Francaise returns for the fifth consecutive year with its Heritage Week — and the guided tours that accompany it. Rafique Baghdadi and Sancia Sequeira will guide folks on three hour long tours, focusing on different parts of the city. Baghdadi’s trails include a tour of the city’s charming Irani cafes (September 25, 9.30 am), discovering the rich history of Mazgaon (September 21, 9 am) and exploring religious sites in Byculla (September 23, 9.30 am). Sequeira conducts a tour of Bandra (September 20, 9 am), a walk through the slums of Dharavi (September 22, 9.30 am) and a look at the South Indian communities of Matunga (September 24, 9 am). (more…)

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Time Limit Set for Registering Documents – Times of India 15th August 2014

  • Post category:News

Aug 15 2014 : The Times of India (Mumbai)
Time limit set for registering documents –
From solemnization of marriage, registration of documents to appeal against orders determining the market value of a plot, the state government has now set a time frame within which services are to be delivered to citizens.


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