Matharpacady Holy Cross Oratory – 146th Anniversary

In these Times of Pandemic join Matharpacady Village in praying for protection:
The Holy Cross Oratory at Matharpacady was built in 1875 to testify how Faith in Jesus saved Matharpacady Village from the devastating Bubonic Plague.
The Theme for the today’s prayers is :
We Pray For Our Church…Pope Francis, Cardinals And Bishops, Priests And Religious, That God Sustains Them During This Lockdown And They Continue To Reach Out To The People.
We pray for the recently departed soul of Mrs. Monti Maria Nazareth
Click on the link being sent to you daily, follow on your smart-phone or Smart TV, and sing, pray and rejoice simultaneously with your fellow residents of Matharpacady and neighbours in India and abroad. Kindly click on the “SUBSCRIBE” icon on your screen for regular updates.