The Cross is a symbol of the great love of God our Father for man and New Life through His Holy Spirit. Through the intense suffering and death of Jesus, sin and hatred was destroyed and through His resurrection Man became a New Creation. He was able to love, which could overcome hatred. This we see even today when Christians have been persecuted, and killed, but love still prevails; through forgiveness and faithfulness.
What from outside is simply brutal violence; the crucifixion, from within becomes an act of total self giving love. Today we celebrate 140 years of prayers being offered in front of this orator y. The crosses in Mazagon and all around Mumbai were erected to protect the residents from the plague. Today’s plague consist s of corruption, loneliness, injustice, persecution and violence. We pray during this Eucharist that the cross help us overcome the modern plagues that affect us. May this feast remind us to keep this catholic tradition alive in this 250 year old village and make us an example of our Lords love.
We entrust all this to Mary, mother of Jesus and our mother, present at the foot of the Cross.
Thanks and God Bless to one and all.